Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Earth Day

"A Fierce Green Fire" was a documentary depicting the victories environmental protection organizations have achieved since their emergence in the 1970's. The video talked about the possible consequences each event could have if their efforts had failed, and described better ways to accomplish the same goals. ("Watch Film: A Fierce Green Fire." PBS. PBS, n.d. Web. 24 Apr. 2014.)

Nuclear power has been an energy source that has supplied the populace of first world countries with power since 1951, and has grown safer and more reliable ever since. The nuclear reactor works by using the heat from radiation to create steam, which turns a turbine to generate electricity, and releasing only steam into the atmosphere. Traditional coal power plants have used the same concept, but rather than using radiation, they burn fossil fuels to generate heat to create steam, and release carbon into the atmosphere. As nuclear energy becomes more widely available, newly industrialized countries such as China are using it to drive the country further toward becoming more powerful and better for the environment.


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